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Full text of "NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19770012472: Continuous plasma laser. [method and apparatus for producing intense, coherent, monochromatic light from low temperature plasma"

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United States Patent [19] 

Fletcher et al. 


Feb. 8, 1977 


[76] Inventors: James C. Fletcher, Administrator of 
the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, with respect to an 
invention of; Willard F. Libby, Los 
Angeles, Calif.; Carl A. Jensen, 
Davis, Calif.; Lowell L. Wood, Simi, 

[22] Filed: Aug. 10, 1971 

[21] Appl. No.: 170,544 

Related U.S. Application Data 

[60] Division of Ser. No. 866,442, Oct. 14, 1969, Pat. No. 

3,617,804, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 

479,357, Aug. 12, 1965, abandoned. 

[52] U.S. Cl 331/94.5 D; 33 1/94.5 G; 

331/94.5 PE 

[51] Int. Cl. 2 HOIS 3/00 

[58] Field of Search 331/94.5 D, 94.5 G, 

331/94.5 PE 

[56] References Cited 


3,395,364 7/1968 Bridges 331/94.5 

3,413,568 11/1968 Gordon et al 331/94.5 


Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, The Chemical 

Rubber Company, 44th Edition, 1962-1963, p. 3097. 

Gordon et al: “Continuous Visible Laser Action in 

Singly Ionized Argon, Krypton and Xenon,” Applied 
Physics Letters vol. 4, May 15, 1964, pp. 178-180. 

Primary Examiner — Edward S. Bauer 
Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Monte F. Mott; Wilfred 
Grifka; John R. Manning 


A method and apparatus for producing intense, coher- 
ent, monochromatic light from a low temperature 
plasma are disclosed. The apparatus includes a housing 
for confining a gas at subatmospheric pressure and 
including a set of reflectors defining an optical cavity. 
At least one anode and cathode are positioned within 
the gas. First control means control the voltage applied 
to the anode and second control means independently 
control the temperature of the cathode. The pressure 
of the gas is controlled by a third control means. An 
intense monochromatic output is achieved by confining 
the gas in the housing at a controlled pre-determined 
reduced pressure, independently controlling the tem- 
perature of the electron emitting cathode and applying 
a predetermined controlled low voltage to the anode. 
An intermediate mode current is drawn from the cath- 
ode and produces in the confined gas, a region having 
a high density of metastable atomic states leading to a 
population inversion. A low temperature, high-density 
plasma is continuously produced in said region leading 
to laser emission between said reflectors. Intense, co- 
herent monochromatic light is emitted as a result of the 
recombination of ions and electrons in the plasma. 

11 Claims, 5 Drawing Figures 



The invention described herein was made in the per- 
formance of work under a NASA contract and is sub- 
ject to the provisions of Section 305 of the National 
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 , Public Law 
85-568 (72 Stat. 435 ; 42 USC 2457 ). 


The present application is a divisional of Ser. No. 
866,442, filed Oct. 14, 1969, (now U.S. Pat. No. 
3,617,804), which in turn is a stream-lined continua- 
tion of Ser. No. 479,357, filed Aug. 12, 1965 and now 


1 . Field of the invention 

This invention relates to a method and apparatus for 
producing both noncoherent and coherent intense 
monochromatic light from a continuous low tempera- 
ture plasma. More particularly, this invention relates to 
a method and apparatus for the production of radiation 
in the form of intense monochromatic light from a 
continuous low temperature plasma generated in a 
region having a high density of atoms in metastable 
atomic states and in which the neutralization of ions by 
recombination with electrons proceeds at a very rapid 
rate. By selecting the gas it is possible to produce light 
at many different wavelengths. The use of helium to 
give 584-A ionizing light is an example of an interesting 
case. The method and apparatus are applicable both to 
noncoherent light sources and to coherent light sources 
of the commonly called lasers. 

2. Description of the Prior Art 

As has been set forth bv two of the inventors in an 
article entitled, “Intense 584-A Light From a Simple 
Continuous Helium Plasma,” which was originally pub- 
lished in Volume 135, No. 5-A of “The Physical Re- 
view” at pages A-1247 through A-1252 on Aug. 31, 
1964, the importance of ionizing radiation in inducing 
chemical reactions is widely recognized. An intense 
monochromatic source of light in the far ultraviolet 
region is highly desirable in space research to study the 
chemical effects of solar ionizing ultraviolet radiation. 
Such a source, of course, also has many other scientific 
and industrial applications which are well known to 
those skilled in the art. It should be noted, for example, 
that the particular source described herein is also suit- 
able for use as a vacuum ultraviolet laser when hydro- 
gen or helium three is used in combination with helium 
four as will become apparent from the discussion be- 
low. Of course, the more common laser wavelengths 
may also be induced by an appropriate selection of 
gases and conditions, i.e., temperature, pressure, cur- 
rent, voltage, and magnetic field intensity. 


It is therefore an object of this invention to provide a 
method and apparatus for producing intense mono- 
chromatic light from a continuous plasma source. 

It is a more particular object of this invention to 
provide a method and apparatus for producing a mono- 
chromatic source of ultraviolet light of very short wave- 
lengths having an intensity per unit of bandwidth which 
is greater than has heretofore been available. Depend- 

ing on the environment this light may or may not be 
coherent, such as “laser” light is. 

Briefly stated in very general terms these objects are 
achieved by producing, in a continuous plasma formed 
5 by a gas confined at reduced pressure, a region having 
a high density of atoms in metastable atomic states 
and/or as ions. Upon recombination of the ions and 
electrons in the plasma high energies are relased in the 
form of intense radiations. The ions are usually formed 
10 as result of a high density of metastable states. The 
metastable states and/or the ions may be made to form 
population inversions which may lead to the produc- 
tion of coherent electromagnetic radiation. 

In “The International Dictionary of Physics and Elec- 
15 tronics” published by D. Van Nostrand Company, New 
York, 1961, at page 741 there is given a discussion of 
the “metastable state” which defines the sense in which 
the term is used herein. Broadly speaking, this state is 
one in which a system has acquired energy beyond that 
20 for its most stable state yet has become relatively stable 
in this high energy condition. Familiar daily examples 
of this phenomenon are the fact that water at atmo- 
spheric pressure may be heated several degrees above 
its normal boiling point and yet not boil until the system 
25 is disturbed from some external source. In the metasta- 
ble state the water has received energy beyond that 
normally required for liquid-vapor equilibrium and yet 
has not become unstable. The system will, however, 
flash into steam when it is disturbed. This term has 
30 similarly been used in atomic and nuclear physics to 
designate excited atomic states from which all possible 
quantum transitions to lower states are partially or 
completely forbidden transitions by the appropriate 
selection rules. The method and apparatus for produc- 
35 ing a plasma having a region of high density of metasta- 
ble atomic states and/or ions (which may be considered 
as a variety of a metastable state) to generate an in- 
tense ultraviolet or other light will be described in de- 
tail below. 

40 In the drawings, wherein like reference characters 
refer to like parts throughout: 


FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional side elevation of an em- 
45 bodiment of the laser light source apparatus according 
to the invention; 

FIG. 2 is a sectional end elevation on the line 2—2 of 
FIG. 1; 

FIG. 3 is an enlarged cross-sectional view of the cath- 
50 ode supporting conduit shown in FIG. 1; 

FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 3 but showing the 
anode supporting conduit; and 

FIG. 5 is a view showing a laser of the type shown in 
FIG. 1 also including magnetic field generating means. 



The laser light source according to the invention 
comprises in combination: housing means to confine a 
60 gas at a pressure below atmosphere; at least one anode 
and one cathode positioned in said gas in electrical 
circuit relationship with each other; first control means 
to control the voltage applied to the anode; second 
control means to control the temperature of the cath- 
65 ode by regulating power supply to it; third control 
means to control the pressure of said gas; said first, 
second and third control means being arranged to func- 
tion independently of each other to permit independent 




control of the temperature and density of the plasma metastable atomic states occur abundantly. In this re- 
formed in said gas when an intermediate mode current gion there is rapid production of an recombination of 

is drawn from said cathode to said anode and optical ions and electrons and each recombination in turn 

means to establish a preferred light direction for stimu- 
lated emission of radiation to obtain laser action. The 
laser apparatus may also include means to cool the 
anode and cathode support and magnetic field genera- 
tion means to produce a magentic field along the pre- 
ferred light direction. 

As an illustration of the plasma producing system of 
the invention, the hot cathode can be manufactured 
from a 3-cm long, 0.0 10-inch diameter thoriated tung- 
sten wire positioned parallel to and 1-cm from a 3-cm 
long, 0.020 inch diameter tantalum wire serving as the 
anode. For helium gas the pressure should be main- 
tained between 30 and 1,000 microns typically 300 
microns. When the anode voltage is controlled between 
20 and 100 volts, and the current from the cathode is 
more than 0.10 ampere but less than 100 amperes, an 
intermediate mode current is drawn. Monochromatic 
light in the far ultraviolet at 584-A is emitted, when 30 
volts were applied to the anode and one ampere of 
current flowed between the anode and cathode at 300 
microns pressure. 

The device has three current modes depending on 
cathode temperature, anode voltage and helium pres- 
sure. In the low current mode the device operates as a 
vacuum diode tube. The intermediate current mode of 
a hundred or more milliamperes to a few tens of am- 
peres is the condition in which the device operates as 
desired and as described herein. In the high current 
mode the device shows negative resistance and oper- 
ates as a low pressure arc discharge device in which a 
current of more than 100 amperes is drawn. In the 
intermediate current mode the internal resistance of 
the device is positive and affords stable operations 
without the use of an external resistance. In the high 
current mode an external resistance is needed for sta- 
ble operation. 

The desired intermediate-current mode of operation 
of the device is defined not only by the above-noted 
current flow of more than 100 milliamperes but less 
than 100 amperes, but also by the fact that this current 
mode is achieved by maintaining the tungsten cathode 
at on the order of 2500° K or more, by applying an 
anode voltage in the range of 20 to 100 volts for helium 
gas at a pressure of approximately 300 microns and the 
electrode spacing, type, and geometry described here. 
If the anode voltage exceeds 100 volts the device goes 
into the high current mode under the conditions de- 
scribed here. The onset of the high current mode will 
depend on the nature of the use, the system geometry, 
and other system parameters such as the pressure. 
More generally the intermediate current mode is that 
set of operating conditions under which the device 
carries many times the space charge limited current of 
a similar device operating in a vacuum, but the resis- 
tance of the device is still positive. The high current or 
arc state, on the other hand, is defined as the negative 
resistance, region of operation of the device. 

The unique emission characteristics of the device in 
the intermediate current mode state are believed to be 
related to the fact that it is operated with a very hot 
cathode which provides abundant electrons and hence 
high currents at relatively low anode voltages. There is 
thus provided an abundant supply of low energy elec- 
trons. This in turn results in a dense low temperature 
plasma and an excited atomic state region in which 

eventually produces a photon. Thus, the photon flux 
5 density from transition going to the ground state of the 
principal gas under conditions which do not radically 
shift or broaden the light emitted by the atoms excited 
directly or via the metastable states, but not the ions, is 
proportional to the recombination rate which is high in 
10 the present high density plasma arrangement. On the 
other hand, the line width or bandwidth of the emitted 
radiation is an exponential function of the temperature. 
Hence, the low temperature plasma produced under 
the above-noted conditions will result in a monochro- 
15 matic emission of high intensity, which is able to escape 
complete resonance trapping in its own parent gas. 

As will be explained in detail below, the region 
around the electrodes has been observed to have a high 
density of metastable atomic states which, of course, 
20 are predecessors of the ions. Such an inverted popula- 
tion which holds here for the ions as well as for the 
metastable states is known to afford the basis for laser 
action. The device may be used with natural gases such 
as helium, neon, krypton, xenon, hydrogen, and iso- 
25 topes of these gases. Gases other than natural helium 
have been used both alone and by injecting them into 
the chamber in the presence of or in combination with 
helium. When, for example, hydrogen at a pressure 
which is a small fraction of that of the helium, is in- 
jected in the presence of the inverted helium popula- 
tion, an inverted population of hydrogen states occurs. 
This results in the emission of light characteristic of 
hydrogen, notably the 1216- A Lyman alpha line in the 
35 vacuum ultraviolet. When an arrangement, such as 
mirrors in an optical cavity, is provided, which provides 
or tends to provide a preferred direction for the stimu- 
lation of radiation, “laser” action results and coherent 
light will be produced. Such arrangements are shown in 
40 FIGS. 1 and 2 which will be described in detail below. 

It has been found that substantially the same operat- 
ing conditions will optimize the light intensity and the 
number of metastable states. In previously known 
plasma generating devices only two variables have been 
45 available for control to produce inverted populations: 

( 1 ) the gas pressure and (2) the electric field strength. 
In the present device in in addition to controlling these 
two factors, the heated cathode also affords control 
over the cathode temperature to permit the generation 
50 of low energy electrons. The current and the plasma 
temperature in the device of the present invention are 
thus necessarily a function of the cathode temperature, 
the field strength and the pressure rather than simply 
the field strength and pressure alone. 

55 Thus, in the above described particular exemplary 
embodiment it was found that if the pressure drops to 
less than 50 microns or if the cathode temperature is 
too low to cause significant emission, or if the anode 
voltage falls to less than about 22 volts, the device 
60 drops into the low current mode. The transition is grad- 
ual in the case of varying cathode temperature, but 
very abrupt with variation in pressure or anode voltage. 
A drop of less than one-tenth of a volt on the anode will 
cause the current to change from many amperes to a 
65 few milliamperes. With very pure helium and well-out- 
gassed electrodes the process is reversible at the same 
voltage; otherwise there is a hysterisis effect and higher 
starting voltage is necessary, although again the current 


4 , 



goes from milliamperes to amperes in about one-tenth 

Within the intermediate current mode range, anode 
current is determined primarily by cathode tempera- 
ture. Anode voltage has little effect once it has been 
raised past the striking level. Separation between cath- 
ode and anode has been increased up to 7-cm with no 
appreciable increase in anode voltage required. The 
limiting factor on the current is the amount of heat the 
anode can dissipate before it melts, or the heat the lead 
in conductors can dissipate. 

In the intermediate current mode the source resis- 
tance is positive and therefore no resistance is required 
in series with it to give stable operation. With a very 
stable low output impedance power supply there was 
no evidence of oscillation up to frequencies of 100 
megacycles per second. The high current mode occurs 
when anode potentials are increased to several hundred 
volts. This is a typical low pressure arc and a resistor 
must be placed in series with the source to obtain stable 

The intensity of 584- A light is greatest from the cath- 
ode region. The helium 584-A light intensity is also 
roughly proportional to current flow and inversely pro- 
portional to anode voltage. The maximum intensity is 
obtained at around 300 microns of helium pressure for 
the particular configuration described with respect to 
the exemplary embodiment. The 121 6-A hydrogen 
Lyman alpha line is emitted when hydrogen gas is intro- 
duced into the system. The intensity of the Lyman 
alpha line depends mainly on the helium/hydrogen 
ratio and the anode voltage as well as on the purity of 
the helium gas and the cleanliness of the vacuum sys- 
tem. It is generated when impurity molecules contain- 
ing hydrogen give electrons to the He + ions because of 
the higher ionization potential of helium or when hy- 
drogen receives energy from collisions of the second 
kind with metastable helium atoms. When using mass- 
spectrographic grade helium or helium evaporated 
from the liquid, the Lyman alpha intensity was about 
the same as the 584-A intensity in terms of numbers or 
photons per second. It is for this reason that we believe 
anode cooling would reduce the Lyman alpha intensity 

There is a weak doublet of unknown origin at 1 300-A 
and a few other very weak lines below 200-A. Above 
2000-A the other helium emission lines and a few im- 
purity lines appear. The spectrum resembles that pro- 
duced by a radio-frequency discharge source. No evi- 
dence of light from the He 2 + molecule ion is seen. (See 
R. W. Motley and A. F. Kuckes, Proceedings of the 
Fifth International Conference on Ionization Phenom- 
ena in Gases, Munich, 1962 (North-Holland Publishing 
Co., Amsterdam, 1962), Vol. P. 651). The source is 
clean in several regions where He 2 + bands would ap- 
pear, especially in the 600-900-A region and also for 
the 5133-A band, and they are not observed. 

Various different electrode geometries have been 
investigated as well as varying numbers of electrodes. 
The intensity of 584-A radiation remains roughly the 
same for a given current. Since the light comes, we 
believe, from bound states formed by ion-electron re- 
combination, the ion densities are not appreciably al- 
tered by the number or arrangement of electrodes; nor 
does the ion density vary rapidly in going from cathode 
to anode. 

It should be realized that conditions may vary some- 
what from those heretofore described when it is desired 

to produce “laser” or coherent light. Experiments, 
which have been performed but not yet published in 
any technical paper or other news media, establish that 
a device such as shown in FIG. 1 may be used to pro- 
5 duce very intense beams of coherent light on a continu- 
ous basis. In such an arrangement it is desirable to use 
a plurality of electrodes in order to increase the current 
capacity and hence the power output of the laser. 
While it is true that the intensity for a given current is 
10 independent of the number of electrodes, it is also true 
that the magnitude of the current which can be drawn 
is limited by the heat which the anode can dissipate and 
that increasing the number of anodes will thus increase 
the total current capacity of the device. 

15 It has also been shown that this laser light may be 
easily modulated in intensity at frequencies suitable for 
communication and that laser action may be produced 
at exceptionally short wavelengths, such as 121 6-A 
hydrogen alpha, or at helium 584-A wavelengths ap- 
20 propriately shifted by Doppler, Stark, isotope, or other 
action so as to effectively create an inverted population 
for one or more particular energies of systems. 

Furthermore, it may be noted that the modification 
of control features, such as by the addition of high 
25 magnetic fields may be used to increase the intensity of 
the light by any of the above mentioned actions. These 
laser devices and applications will be described in 
greater detail below in connection with FIGS. 1 
through 5. 



Work done on the decaying plasma of the B-l stel- 
larator at Princeton by Hinnov and Hirschberg has 
established a convenient and reliable spectroscopic 
35 method for determining electron density and tempera- 
ture. This procedure was used by Robben, Kunkel, and 
Talbot to determine the ion densities and temperatures 
in a plasma-jet wind tunnel. This procedure depends on 
electron-collision-induced transitions being dominant 
40 over purely radiative transitions. When this condition is 
met a kind of thermal equilibrium between electrons 
and the bound states near the ionization limit is estab- 
lished, providing the difference in energy between any 
two neighboring bound states be small compared to kT. 
45 Then the densities of these bound states, their energies 
with respect to the ionization potential, and the elec- 
tron temperature will be related by the Boltzmann 

50 A£ nJ ./*T=ln(N„/N m ). 

A E„, m is the difference in energy between states n and 
m and ln(N„/N m ) is the logarithm of the ratio of the 
densities of the two states. 

55 The densities of these states were determined by 
measuring the absolute intensities of their spectral lines 
and dividing these intensities by the corresponding 
transition probabilities. The transition probabilities 
were calculated from the same oscillator strengths as 
60 used by Robben et al. These are based on theoretical 
calculations by Bates and Damgaard (See D. R. Bates 
and A. Damgaard, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) 
A242, 101 (1949)), and (E. Trefftz, A. Schluter, K. 
Dettmar, and K. Jorgens, Z. Astrophysc. 44, 1 (1957) 
65 by both the Coulomb expansion and variational tech- 
niques, which agree quite closely. 

The absolute intensities of lines up to principal quan- 
tum number n = 9, were measured. Unfortunately, the 

4 , 007,430 



spectrograph used was primarily a vacuum ultraviolet 
instrument and absolute values of line intensities of 
lines orginating from states higher than n = 9 did not 
prove to be reliable; nor could the point where the lines 
merged into the continuum be observed, which would 5 
have provided a check on calculated electron densities 
via the Inglis-Teller equation (See D. R. Inglis and E. 
Teller, Astrophys. J. 90,439 (1939)). Fortunately, the 
electron temperature was high enough so that the Bolt- 
zmann relation held down to states with n = 5. The plot 10 
of the logarithm of the state density divided by state 
multiplicity with respect to state energy is shown in 
FIG. 7 of Ser. No. 866,442. The slope corresponds to a 
plasma temperature of 1660° K near the cathode. The 
extrapolation of the line to E = 0 gives the logarithm of 15 
(N„/g„)e _£ ” m . This is related to electron density by the 
Saha equation: 

N r N,lg t g, = NJg n (2nmkTlh 2 ) 


where N e , N i; and N„ are the number densities of the 
electrons, ions, and bound states, respectively, and the 
g’s are their multiplicities; — E„ is energy of the bound 
state; g e gi(2Trmkl h 2 ) 3l2 = 1.2X10 22 if T is to be in elec- 
tron volts. 25 

Since the space-charge limited current of the device 
is only a few milliamperes in the absence of positive 
charges, the charge density of the electrons must be 
essentially balanced by the charge density of the He + 
ions for currents of amperes to flow. Therefore, setting 30 
N e = N,- is justified and 

N c 2 = N, 3 = \.2X10™1 ™(NJg„)e- ,1 »i kT . 

The average ion density near the cathode is then 35 
determined to be 8.4X10 12 ions/cm 3 at 30-V anode 
voltage and 0.6-A anode current. The temperature 
near the cathode is 1 660° K, and the average intensity 
of 584-A light is 4X10 15 photon/sec/cm 3 . The ion den- 
sity near the anode is 5X10 12 cm -3 at a temperature of 40 
— 1900° K. The intensity of 584-A light from the anode 
region is ~ 1 0 15 photons/sec/cm 3 . 

In order to properly interpret the observed intensity 
of 584-A radiation, it is necessary to determine the 
extent to which it is resonance imprisoned. Trapped 45 
radiation will be scattered out of the acceptance cone 
of the spectrograph and will not be seen by it. At 300-/r 
helium pressure and room temperature the mean free 
path of 584-A radiation at the resonance peak is 
0.0016 cm. Certainly, then much of it is trapped. 50 

At these ion densities, pressures, and temperatures, 
the principal broadening mechanism is the Doppler 
effect due to temperature. Since the helium 2‘P atoms 
which have been formed as a result of ionic recombina- 
tion will be considerably hotter than the neutral helium 55 
atoms, their emitted light will be Doppler shifted fur- 
ther and will be expected to travel further through the 
surrounding helium gas, which is at room temperature. 
These excited helium atoms will usually have under- 
gone only electronic collisions between the time they 60 
are formed from the ions and the time they emit 584-A 
radiation. They will therefore retain the temperature 
associated with the ions. 

The 584-A photons must travel through 2.5-cm of 
helium at 300 fi to reach the differential pumping slit, at 65 
which point they will not be significantly further scat- 
tered in the spectrograph, and their intensity is mea- 
sured. If one introduces into the light path an additional 

amount of helium at 300 p. as an absorber, the 584-A 
radiation will be further attenuated. The extent to 
which it is attenuated will depend on the temperature 
of the emitting and absorbing atoms, and on the dis- 
tance which the light has already traveled through the 
absorbing helium. The exact relation for the intensity 
reaching a given point in the absorber, with the as- 
sumption that any scattered photons are lost, 




Mv 2 . „ , 

1- P„\ exp 

kT 1 

Mv 2 









l dv 

I\ is the intensity k cm from the emitter, v the velocity 
of emitting atom toward or away from observer, T^ 
the temperature of the emitting atom, Ta the temper- 
ature of absorbing atoms, M the mass of a helium atom, 
and P 0 equals 600 cm -1 , the absorption coefficient of 
300° K helium at 300-fji pressure. Thus, it is improper 
to speak of a mean free path when the absorber is 
helium, since the absorption is not an exponential func- 
tion of X. 

Observations on the 5 84-A radiation from the helium 
plasma give I 12 .5 / I 2.5 = 0.70. This is what one would 
expect for T a —1700° K. For T cr =300° KI 12.5 / I2.5 
<0. 1 9. Therefore we conclude that the emitting atoms 
are at ~ 1 700° K. 

At Tp. = 1700° K I 2 .5 / I 0 =0.102. The average ion 
density near the cathode is ~ 10 13 /cm 3 ; however, it is 
higher, ~2.5X10 13 /cm 3 , very near the cathode. At 
~2.5XI0 -13 ions/cm 3 the recombination coefficient is 
~2.5X10 _1 ° cm 3 /sec, taking the value of Bates et al 
(See G. L. Natason, Zh. Tekhn. Fiz. 29, 1373 (1959) 
English transl.: Soviet Phys-Tech. Phys., 4,1263 
(I960)) which are one-half as large as those of Hinnov 
and Hirschberg. If one assumed that all of the recom- 
bined atoms eventually emit 584-A radiation, due to 
electronic mixing between the singlet and triplet states, 
one would then expect to observe. 

-15X1 0 W X WI.= 1 .5X 1 0 16 photons/sec/cm 3 . 

This agrees very well with the observed light intensity 
and the ion densities calculated above for these re- 
gions. On the basis of all of these considerations it is 
concluded that ionic recombination by reaction ( 1 ) is 
the mechanism of light emission. 

However, a further additional point to consider is the 
extent to which light produced by 2 1 P helium atoms 
excited directly from the ground state would be ob- 
served. This cross section for electrons (See D. R. 
Bates, Atomic and Molecular Process (Acdemic Press, 
N.Y., 1962, page 262)and 0. Thieme, Z. Physik. 8,412 
(1932)) of energies less than 30 volt is less than 
1X10 -18 cm 2 . Therefore we expect, at 0.6 amperes and 
300-p.pressure, that less than 3.6X10 16 2'P excitations 
would occur in one second. Since 1 2 , 5 / 1 0 for T u =300° 
K is less than 0.001, one would observe less than 
3.6X10 13 584-A photons per second from this mecha- 

Another point is that the peak in the light intensity is 
near the cathode. One would not ordinarily think that 
electrons would achieve the necessary minimum of 
21.5 eV so near the cathode when total anode voltage 



can be as low as 22 volts. However, ions will be concen- 
trated near the cathode and will recombine more rap- 
idly there. 


Origin of the ions: Since the space-charge-limited 
current of the device described in the absence of posi- 
tive charges is of the order of milliamperes, positive 
ions must be present to neutralize the space charge in 
order that currents as large as amperes could flow. 10 
Because the source can be operated at potentials signif- 
icantly below the 24.5 volt ionization potential of he- 
lium, it is unlikely that ionization directly from the 
ground state is involved. A two-step process involving 
excitation to the 2 3 S metastable state with a maximum 15 
cross section of 4x1 0~ 18 cm 2 at 20.5 eV, (See G. J. 
Schultz and R. E. Fox, Phys. Rev. 106,1179 (1957)) 
and subsequent ionization by a second electron with a 
cross section estimated to be >10~ 16 cm 2 (by compar- 
ing He S 3 S to lithium (See H. Funk, Ann. Physik 20 
396,149 (1930)) is possible. Another possibility is the 
formation of the triplet state followed by triplet-triplet 
annihilation to produce an ion, electron, and atom in 
the ground state. The triplet-triplet annihilation cross 
sections are very large (~10~ 14 cm 2 ) (See A. V. 25 
Phelphs and J. P. Molnar, Phys. Rev. 89,1202 (1953)). 

The source of Lyman alpha radiation is charge or 
energy transfer from ions or metastable atoms to impu- 
rities containing hydrogen. Thus, the maximum ob- 
served Lyman alpha intensity of ~10 18 photons per 30 
second is of interest in indicating the total possible rate 
of production of ions and metastable atoms. However, 
this Lyman alpha intensity was observed by injecting H 2 
gas into the system. This cuased the He 584-A line to 
almost disappear, so that the source mechanism may 35 
have been modified somewhat. 


In FIGS. 1-4, there is shown one detailed embodi- 
ment of a laser device 100 incorporating the principles 40 
of this invention. The device 100 includes a plurality of 
cathode wires 1 10 which are substantially of the same 
thickness and material. Similarly, the device 100 in- 
cludes a plurality of anode wires 111. The cathode, 
wires 110 are mounted on any suitable insulators 135 45 
which protrude as bosses from supporting conduits 133 
and 134 so as to position the cathode wires as shown in 
FIGS. 1 and 4. The conduits 133 and 134 are supported 
in spaced parallel relationship to each other in the 
lower portion of a vacuum chamber comprising a cylin- 50 
drical container 112. The conduits and the container 
may be made of either stainless steel or aluminum. In a 
typical case the container 112 may be about one meter 
long and approximately ten or twelve inches in diame- 
ter. The ends of the container 112 are closed by circu- 55 
lar end plates 130 and 131 which are hermetically 
fastened to the cylinder 112 in any convenient means 
as by welding or bolting to a flange, with sealing sur- 
faces such as O-rings. 

The conduits 133 and 134 extend through the front 60 
plate 131 and are supported by it and by any suitable 
attachment to the rear plate 130. The conduits 133 and 
134 carry water cooling lines 136 and 137 which are 
preferably arranged so as to form a separate water 
cooling circuit within each conduit. The conduits 133 65 
and 134 also carry the cathode filament power supply 
wires 138 and 139 which are connected to a cathode 
power supply and temperature control unit 121. The 


cathode elements 110 are connected in parallel across 
the cathode power lines 138 and 139. Hence, each of 
the conduits 133 and 134 is required to carry only one 
electrical conductor. 

Similarly, a conduit 132 extends through the upper 
portion of the front plate 131 and is supported thereby 
and by attachment to the rear plate 130. The plurality 
of anode wires 111 are mounted on conduit 132 by 
insulating bosses 136. Each node wire is suspended 
substantially at its midpoint by its supporting boss as 
may be more clearly seen in FIG. 10. The conduit 132 
also contains a water cooling circuit 135. A group of 
electrical conductors 140 is also contained in conduit 
132 and are connected in such a fashion that each 
anode 111 is connected by a separately insulated con- 
ductor to a separate and automatically regulated power 
supply. These separate automatically regulated power 
supplies are indicated generally by the block 122. Sepa- 
rate power supplies are desirable in order to accommo- 
date minor variations in operating conditions which 
may occur at different points in the device. 

A gas inlet line 113 also extends through the front 
plate 131 of the device and may desirably continue as 
to discharge near the rear plate 130. A gas outlet line 

114 also extends through the front plate 131 and pref- 
erably has its outlet opening positioned near the front 
plate. The gas lines 113 and 114 are connected exter- 
nally in closed circuit to a vacuum pump and pressure 
control device 123. Of course it will be understood that 
although it is preferable to continuously flow a gas 
supply through the vacuum chamber of the device at a 
regulated pressure in order to continuously sweep out 
impurities which may be generated within the con- 
tainer by operation of the device, nonetheless this fea- 
ture is not essential to the operation of the device. 
Although impurities may accumulate under static con- 
ditions it is entirely possible for the device to operate 
with gas confined at an appropriate pressure whether it 
is flowing or not. 

The device 100 includes a plurality of spaced elec- 
trodes rather than a single pair of electrodes. This is 
desirable in order to increase the total current handling 
capacity of the device. It further differs in that it incor- 
porates an optical system designed to produce laser 
action by establishing a preferred direction for light 
output by means of stimulated emission of radiation. 

This optical system comprises a circular concave 
mirror 115 which is mounted in an opening of corre- 
sponding size in the front plate 131 so that the mirror 
provides an hermetic seal for the opening. The mirror 

115 is of course either a half silvered or equivalent 
device having partial transmission characteristics to 
provide some reflection and some light output. The 
exact degree of transmission desired is a design detail 
which is well understood by those skilled in the laser 
art. The mirror 115 may be either planar of concave. 
Furthermore, it should be noted that the output open- 
ing mirror 115 may in fact be a wholely transmitting 
plane window where the densities of the plasma be- 
come extremely high so that multiple reflections of the 
forward beam are unnecessary and small fraction of 
light stimulated in the reverse direction and reflecting 
off the back mirror 115' is of sufficient intensity for 
stimulated emission to control the light output. 

The other half of the optical system is a correspond- 
ing mirror 115' mounted on the back plate 130 of the 
laser 100 in any convenient mechanical fashion. Again 
the mirror 115' is shown in the presently preferred 



form of a concave mirror of the same concavity and 
diameter as the front mirror 115. Furthermore, it will 
of course be understood that the two mirrors are 
aligned so that their optical axes are identical, that is to 
say, so that the two mirrors are coaxially positioned 5 
preferably along the central axis of the cylinder 112 so 
that they produce a focusing of light through the cur- 
rent flow path between the electrodes 110 and 111. As 
is also well understood in the art, the distance between 
these mirrors must be less than the focal length of the 10 
mirrors. In a presently preferred embodiment this dis- 
tance is about one meter and the mirror diameter is 
about two inches. 

Although the vacuum chamber or container 112 has 
been shown as being formed of a single stainless steel 15 
outer wall since such an arrangement gives sufficient 
radiative dissipation for substantial heat loads, it will 
nonetheless be understood that the entire chamber 
could be water jacketed or provided with any other 
suitable external cooling means should design require- 20 
ments indicate this to be desirable. 

In FIG. 5 there is shown a laser device Vswhich is the 
same as the device 100 shown in FIG. 1, except that it 
is additionally provided with an external solenoid coil 
151 which is wound around the cylindrical vacuum 25 
chamber 112 in such a fashion as to be coaxial with the 
chamber and to extend substantially along the length 
thereof in which the electrodes are positioned. The 
cylinder 112 may be formed of stainless steel or of 
aluminum. The solenoid 151 is connected to a current 30 
supply and control device for the magnetic coil which is 
identified generally as the block 152. It will of course 
be understood that this device comprises a power sup- 
ply with suitable conventional circuitry designed to 
control the current supplied to the coil in a fashion to 35 
be discussed herein. The coil is positioned and designed 
so as to generate a magnetic field along the axis of the 
interior of the vacuum chamber 112. The field is thus 
generally at right angles to the normal electron flow of 
the device 100 shown in FIG. 1. 40 

The purpose of the magnetic field and the require- 
ments thus placed on its current or power supply are as 
follows. First, the field may be used to produce a pinch- 
ing or pulsed effect in the output of the device so as to 
achieve higher pulsed output levels superimposed on 45 
basically continuous operation. In such use, of course, 
the current supplied to the coil should be supplied in 
pulses of suitable duration. 

Secondly, the coil may have a continuous current of 
constant amplitude supplied to it so that the magnetic 50 
field is used merely to elongate the current path in the 
device in order to achieve higher electron densities. 
That is to say, the magnetic field can be used to force 
electrons from an axially rearward cathode to flow not 
to their corresponding anode as in previous embodi- 55 
ments, but rather to an axially displaced anode further 
forward in the device thereby increasing the current 
path and the electron densities. This mode of operation 
is desirable since it has been found that the light inten- 
sity is proportional to a high power of the current den- 60 
sity. In view of these general considerations it will of 
course be understood that various field configurations 
which can be produced by varying coil designs may be 
desirable depending upon exactly what is wanted in any 
given application. 65 

With respect to both of the devices 100 and 150 of 
FIGS. 1 and 5, respectively, it will be understood that 
the mode of operation and the operating conditions 


with respect to gas pressure, anode potential, cathode 
power and the like are essentially the same in principle 
as has been discussed in detail in connection with the 
exemplary embodiment. Of course the particular de- 
sign details such as choice of gases, size, power level, 
etc., will be determined by the particular application 
for which the device is intended. For example, if the 
device is to be used as an element in a communications 
system it would be necessary to provide conventional 
modulating means to modulate preferably the voltage 
applied to the anodes. Nonetheless, the physical source 
mechanism of these laser devices of FIGS. 1 and 5 is 
essentially the same as that discussed above for the 
exemplary embodiment in that it is also desirable to 
operate the laser device in the intermediate current 
mode in order to produce a low temperature plasma 
having a high density of metastable states. 

Because of the extremely high densities of metastable 
states attainable in these devices they make an expe- 
cially powerful laser. Furthermore, laser action can be 
obtained with an inverted population involving the 
ground state. Operating in this mode the laser is much 
more efficient than any laser constructed heretofore. 

Metastable state densities of the order of 10 13 per 
cubic centimeter are easily obtained with this device 
operating at relatively low currents. When the device is 
operated at current densities greater than one ampere 
per square centimeter the densities of metastable states 
is higher and approaches 10 14 per cubic centimeter. 
With these devices as described having a length of 
about one meter or slightly more than one yard, and 
using, for example, helium with neon as the gas, it is 
possible to obtain laser light from the 6328-A neon 
transition of the order of 100 watts on a continuous 
basis. With the device as shown in FIG. 5 modified to 
provide an axial magnetic field so that one either pulses 
the magnetic field to obtain extremely high densities of 
emitting states during the pulse period or one uses the 
magnetic field to direct the current so that it flows in a 
more longitudinal manner along the axis of the laser, 
considerably higher power levels are possible. These 
power levels run to an order of magnitude or two larger 
than the 100 watts indicated for the device of FIG. 1. 

As has been mentioned before the ability to control 
the density and the temperature of the plasma indepen- 
dently of each other is especially beneficial. This par- 
ticular feature of this device is especially noticed in 
case of the helium-neon laser involving the 6328-A 
neon transition. This is because the emitting neon state 
has an energy very slightly greater than the helium 
metastable state from which it obtains its energy. With 
the ability to control the plasma temperature it is possi- 
ble to control the rate at which the metastable helium 
state transfers its energy to the lasing helium state and 
an optimum of temperature can be chosen which will 
give a maximum amount of lasing light. 

Another characteristic of this apparatus is the natural 
relatively large size which can be obtained. Most lasers 
operating so far on the continuous basis with gases have 
been small dimensionally and have been constructed 
on nonconducting materials. This has made cooling 
very difficult and the cooling problem has been one of 
the main deterrents for these devices as far as high 
power ratings are concerned. Since the device de- 
scribed here is naturally encased in metal it is possible 
to cool it much more efficiently and therefore to oper- 
ate it at much higher power levels. Observations indi- 
cate that this is a distinct advantage. 

4 , 007,430 


It has been observed that in gas lasers generally the 
intensity of the laser light increases in direct proportion 
to a large power of the current, the exponent haying 
been observed to range from two to six. This exponen- 
tial relationship means of course that one is gaining 5 
laser action at an extremely significant rate when one is 
operating at the very high current density levels inher- 
ent in the very high power levels made possible by the 
above discussed structure and heat dissipating capacity 
of these devices. 10 

Furthermore, in prior art lasers the two states form- 
ing the inverted population have generally both been 
well above the ground state in energy. It has been ex- 
tremely difficult to operate a laser in which the lower 
state is the ground state. This has been due to the diffi- 15 
culty in obtaining an inverted population in such sys- 
tems. With any significant concentration of gas the 
ground state population has usually been orders of 
magnitude greater than the population of the upper 
state. 20 

However, in the method and apparatus of the present 
invention, the extremely high densities of metastable 
states observed make it relatively simple to obtain laser 
action in which one of the levels is the ground state. 
This is a distinct advantage for two reasons. The first 25 
reason is that the wavelength of the light is much 
smaller than usually found which means that each pho- 
ton will have a higher energy and therefore any applica- 
tion in which the total energy of the photon is a consid- 
eration and in which it is desirable to increase this 30 
energy will benefit by laser action involving the ground 
state. Secondly, since most of the energy of the system 
is involved in excited atoms one can only obtain truly 
efficient operation of the laser when the transition is 
directly to the ground state so that one is using all of the 35 
energy stored in the atoms to obtain light. 

We have observed that with small amounts of hydro- 
gen as the lasing gas mixed with a major portion of 
helium as the buffer gas the entire hydrogen population 
is inverted and exists in a high energy state. Thus, it is 40 
possible to obtain laser action to the ground state from, 
for example, the first excited state of the hydrogen 
atom. This particular transition is of interest primarily 
because it produces one of the very few types of pho- . 
tons in the vacuum ultraviolet region of the electro- 45 
magnetic spectrum which can be transmitted through 
significant distances of ordinary air. Usually air will 
absorb light in the vacuum ultraviolet. However, the 
Lyman alpha light at 1 2 1 6-A wavelength which is ob- 
tained from such a system is not absorbed appreciably 50 
by ordinary air over distances less than a mile. 

A second transition of special interest when one is 
using helium as the source of metastable states in the 
laser is the 584-A helium transition. Of course, it is not 
possible to invert the entire helium population in the 55 
device described herein. However, if one adds a small 
amount of helium three, the lighter isotope of helium, 
then the transition from the first excited state which 
emits to the ground state, that is the state emitting the 
584-A photon for the helium three, will be shifted 60 
slightly in energy with respect to the helium four atoms. 
This means that it is possible to obtain the helium three 
in an inverted population and in this fashion to operate 
the laser at very nearly 100% efficiency and to emit a 
photon of such high energy that it is capable of ionizing 65 
any substance except helium and neon. This same prin- 
ciple may be applied to the helium-hydrogen laser sys- 
tem by doping the mixture with deuterium, a heavier 


hydrogen isotope. These are but two examples of a very 
general method of efficiently moving large amounts of 
radiant energy from systems producing light in the far 
ultraviolet by isotopic shift techniques. 

While preferred embodiments of the method and 
apparatus have been described in detail above, to- 
gether with specific characteristics and parameters 
thereof, and while a discussion of the underlying mech- 
anism of operation of the devices in accordance with 
our present best understanding has been presented, it is 
to be understood that this has been done only by way of 
illustration and example and is not intended as a limita- 
tion on the scope of the invention which is defined by 
the following claims. 

What is claime is: 

1. The method of producing intense monochromatic 
light from a continuous plasma comprising the steps of: 

a. confining a gas at a controlled predetermined re- 
duced pressure of at least 50 microns but below 
atmospheric pressure; 

b. independently controlling the temperature of an 
electron emitting cathode positioned in said gas to 
a constant temperature of at least 2500° K to pro- 
duce an abundant supply of low-energy electrons; 

c. applying a predetermined controlled low voltage of 
from 20 volts to 100 volts to an anode positioned in 
said gas in an electrical circuit relation with Said 
cathode in which the internal resistance of the 
circuit is positive so as to draw an intermediate 
mode current of from 0. 1 amperes to less than 100 
amperes from said cathode without arcing in order 
to produce in said confined gas a region having a 
high density of metastable atomic states and to thus 
produce from them a low temperature, high density 
plasma in said region, said intense monochromatic 
light being emitted as a result of the recombination 
of ions and electrons in said plasma; and 

d. establishing a preferred optical direction for light 
emission and output from said plasma to produce 
stimulation of emission of radiation in order to 
obtain laser action and thus produce coherent 

2. The method according to claim 1 wherein said gas 
comprises a major portion of a first substance and a 
minor portion of a second substance. 

3. The method according to claim 2 wherein said first 
substance is natural helium and said second substance 
is selected from the group comprising hydrogen, neon, 
argon, krypton, xenon, an isotope of these gases or an 
iostope of helium. 

4. The method recited in claim 2 further including 
the steps of applying a magnetic field along said pre- 
ferred optical direction and circulating said confined 
gas through said plasma forming region in order to 
remove impurities therefrom. 

5. The method according to claim 1 wherein said gas 
is helium confined at a pressure of about 300 microns, 
said anode voltage is between 22 and 100 volts, said 
current from said cathode is more than one-tenth am- 
pere but less than 100 amperes, and said light has a 
wavelength of 584-A. 

6. The method according to claim 1 further including 
the step of dissipating heat from said anode and said 
cathode by placing them in heat exchange relationship 
with a circulating heat transfer fluid. 

7. A light source comprising: 

a. means to confine a gas at a pressure above 50 
microns but below atmospheric pressure; 



b. output means positioned to transmit light from said 
confined gas; 

c. at least one anode and one cathode positioned in 

said gas in electrical circuit relationship with each 
other; 5 

d. first control means to control the voltage applied 
to said anode to between 20 volts and 100 volts, 
second control means to control the temperature 
of said cathode to a temperature above 2500° K by 
regulating power supplied to it, and third control 10 
means to control the pressure of said gas, said first, 
second and third control means being arranged to 
function independently of each other to permit 
independent control of the temperature and den- 
sity of the plasma formed in said gas when an inter- 15 
mediate mode current of from 0.1 amperes to 100 
amperes is drawn from said cathode to said anode; 

e. optical means to establish a preferred light direc- 
tion for stimulation of emission of radiation to 20 
obtain laser action. 

8. Apparatus according to claim 7 wherein said gas 
comprises a major portion of a first substance and a 
minor portion of a second substance and wherein said 
apparatus further includes means to produce a mag- 25 
netic field along said preferred light direction. 

9. A laser device comprising: 

a. a metallic cylindrical housing hermetically sealed 
by front and rear end walls; 

J 7 30 

b. means to circulate a gas through said housing at a 
controllable pressure reduced below atmosphere; 

c. first fluid cooled supporting means to position a 
plurality of anodes in longitudinally spaced rela- 


tionship from each other in said cylindrical hous- 

d. second fluid cooled supporting means to position a 
corresponding plurality of cathode devices in longi- 
tudinally spaced relationship from each other in 
said cylindrical housing; 

e. circuit means in heat conducting relation with said 
second fluid cooled supporting means, said circuit 
means connecting the plurality of cathodes in par- 
allel circuit relationship with each other to a power 
supply having means to control the temperature of 
said cathodes by controlling the power supplied to 

f. individual circuit means in heat conducting relation 
with said first fluid cooled supporting means, said 
individual circuit means connecting each of said 
plurality of anodes to a corresponding individual 
and separately controllable voltage supply; 

g. reflecting means positioned to direct light through 
the plasma formed in said housing when current is 
drawn from said cathode to said anode; 

h. and optical output means positioned to receive 
light from said reflecting means. 

10. Apparatus according to claim 9 wherein a sole- 
noid coil is positioned externally around said cylindri- 
cal housing to generate a magnetic field along the lon- 
gitudinal axis thereof; and means to control the current 
supplied to said solenoid coil. 

11. Apparatus according to claim 9 wherein said gas 
comprises a first major portion of natural helium and a 
second minor portion selected from the group compris- 
ing hydrogen, neon, argon, krypton, xeonon and iso- 
tope of these gases or an isotope of helium. 





